Hailee's Before Picture!

Terri cuts one of the ponies off.

We put her hair on the table after it was cut and the ends curled into a perfect little heart! So beautiful!

Hailee admires her new look in the mirror.

Hailee proudly displays her two ponies of hair.
What is the significance of hair? Most of us take it for granted not giving it a second thought. However, when you are faced with an illness that causes your hair to fall out it can mean so much! Some embrace their new found baldness but others feel more comfortable wearing a wig. In fact my mom had several, each with their own distinct look. Wigs have come so far over the years. They have never looked so natural and real. Several months ago Hailee came to me and said that she wanted to cut her hair for Locks of Love. She said that she wanted to do it for her Mimi and that maybe some little girl would be able to have wig made from her hair. I'm so proud of her kind and tender heart! We decided that she would get her hair cut today for the beginning of summer. She was so excited to do it! She is so beautiful with her new "do" and looks so grown up.