Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mia's Photo Shoot

My good friend, Mike, took these amazing photos of Mia. They turned out so cute! I can't believe she is getting so grown up. He's going to do family pictures this fall and I am so excited to see how his talent will be displayed!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mia's Birthday Parties

Mia's Unicorn

Hipity-Hop Fun!!!

Riding her new scooter.

Mia and her friends.

Don't you just love that face!

Mia models her new backpack that Mimi got her.

(Sorry the pictures are a bit random!)

Now that we are in Spokane we have the opportunity to celebrate birthday's and other occasions with my family. My family has been so important in my life and it means so much that my girls are able to have these experiences as well. So this year we had two birthday parties for Mia, a family party and a kid party. Twice the parties, twice the fun!

The family party was at my cousin Terri and her husband Pat's house. Mia and Pat share a birthday so we were celebrating him as well. We had a nice BBQ, the girls swam in the pool and enjoyed the first of two unicorn cakes that I made for Mia. She has been talking about having a unicorn party for about 6 months now. I didn't even know she knew what a unicorn was until she announced that was what she wanted for her birthday. Trying to find birthday items that have unicorns proved to be a bit more challenging than I anticipated. But being a mother who doesn't want to disappoint my 3 year old, I made it work and she loved it!

The second party was at, Jump N-Party, which is full of inflatable jump houses and slides. There was about 10 kids and they all had a blast! Mia jumped, ran and slid down the slides for an hour straight. So much fun! All in all, turning three turned out to be a lot of fun for Mia. She has been blessed with spending so much time with a lot of wonderful family and friends. We look forward to many more birthday's to celebrate!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Camp Dart-Lo

Last Day of Camp

First Day of Camp

Hailee spent the last week attending Camp Dart-Lo. This was her first experience at camp and she had so much fun! She spent the week hiking, swimming, acting, doing crafts, singing songs, learning about nature and making new friends. I was a little worried because of the warm weather but she was a trooper and pulled through like a champion! She already has asked if she can go to camp for 2 weeks next summer. I'm sure she will be going to overnight camp before I know it. I'm so glad this was such a positive experience, one of which will remain with her for a very long time!

Birthday Letter to Mia

Wow, where has time gone? You entered the world three years ago today and changed my life forever. Hailee's birth was special because she made me a mommy, your birth was special because you not only did you double my love in my heart but you made Hailee a sister. I see your relationship with Hailee grow every day. You two are so lucky to have one another! Since the day you entered our lives you have brought us so much joy! You have such a wonderful spirit and a kind heart. You make us laugh everyday with the funny jokes you tell and the quirky songs you sing. You have always kept me on my toes and I'm sure that will not stop anytime soon! I am so excited to see what life has in store for you! You are my sweet little girl and mommy loves you so very much!!!