Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall Photos

A couple of weeks ago my friend Mike took some pictures of my family. It was real important to us to get family photos with my mom. I love how they turned out! Mike did such an amazing job capturing my mom's beautiful eyes. I will treasure these forever! The fall colors look amazing! There are so many good ones I don't which ones to choose. I wonder who my girls look like or myself for that matter?

Monday, November 2, 2009


Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!!
My beautiful baby girl turned seven today. Where has time gone? I have been truly blessed to be her mom! She is such as smart, kind, loving and wonderful little girl. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. This has been a difficult year for us on many levels but she has been amazing! She thrives at school, she is friend with everyone, she is the world's best big sister and most of all she is a terrific daughter! I love her so much!!!

Snowflake and Kitty Cat

Hailee and Mia outside my parent's house before the big trick or treat adventure.
Hailee and some school friends at the school Halloween Party.

In August, Hailee came to me and said, "Mom, I would like to be a snowflake for Halloween". Um, okay. So began my search of how to make my daughter to become a snowflake. I took a dance costume she used a couple of years ago and sewed some fuzzy, white trim to the bottom of it. Then knowing how cold Halloween can be in Spokane I decided to add warmth to it by throwing on her Cinderella cape. I glued a snowflake over the top of Cinderella's head to make it snowflake worthy. We added a homemade snowflake wand and an ice crystal crown. There you go, a snowflake or snow princess. Mia on the other hand was easy, Kitty Cat costume from Old Navy. Piece of cake! It was another fun year of trick or treating.