The girls pose before their recital.

After the long recital day.

She is growing up so fast!

Sisterly love!

Hailee's ready to go on the field to dance.

Unfortunately I didn't have great seat and was so far up but Hailee is down there on the orange Toyota marker. Maybe next time I'll spring for better seats!
Both of the girls love to dance and have been taking dance class this last year. They performed in their recital a few weeks ago and it really warms my heart to see them both enjoying themselves so much. Mia was in a Tap/Movement class and had so much fun! She did such an awesome job at the recital! I catch her doing her favorite move the "boogie woogie" all the time around the house. Hailee was in a jazz class and has really come a far way since her beginning dance days in Oregon. This week she had an opportunity to go to the Spokane Shock Dance camp and then perform at half time of the football game. She has so much fun and was in tears when camp ended. There was not a nervous bone in her body, just pure excitement and joy. It doesn't phase her at all to be in front of thousands of people. She is braver than I ever was! I'm proud of my girls' desire to try new adventure and all their hard work! I'm a very proud mama!