I can't believe I haven't blogged since the first week of school. That definitely is a sign of how my life has felt the last few months. So here is a little catch up as to what the young ladies and their mom has been up to for since September.
This month is always a little crazy with the start of school, back to school nights, open houses and soccer for us all. Then this year to change it up a bit I decided to be the coach for both of the girls' soccer teams. If I didn't have enough to do! We spent three nights a week and all day Saturday on the soccer field. It was a little time consuming but I loved every minute (well almost every minute, minus super competitive parents and other coaches). The girls on each of the teams are great! I love that I am able to be such an influence on my daughter's and their friends. It really is a wonderful blessing! Makes all the chaos worth it!
The soccer madness continued through the end of the month. What time wasn't spent on a soccer field was spent working on my house either inside or out. Being a home owner in Spokane is a lot different than one in Oregon that's for sure. I had to "winterize" the house, turn of sprinklers, seal up cracks so spiders and cold air couldn't get in, have trees removed so the winter snows don't make them fall into the house and rake, rake and rake! Thank goodness I have help from the girl and my friend, Scott. Without them I don't know what I would have done!
November kicks off with Hailee's birthday. This year she decided to have a joint party with her friend, Alisa. Their birthdays are only a week a part and they have all the same friends. It was a fun party and it was nice to split the planning and expenses with another mom. I still can't get over that my baby is 9. She is growing up so fast and turning into a lovely young lady! As joyous as the month begins it also is a bit somber for me as well. On the 20th we marked the 2 year anniversary of saying goodbye to my mom. I miss her so much and that date just reminds me of all the time I don't get to have with her. We did mark her anniversary with what I would like to keep as an annual tradition. My dad, the girls and I visited Hospice House, where mom spent her final days, and donated stuffed animals. When I brought the girls there to visit my mom they were greeted with stuffed animals which made a scary, sad situation a little more bearable. Last year the girls thought they should donate other stuffed animals to help other boys and girls. It's just a nice way to honor my mom's memory and give back to others at the same time. On a different note, I was able to attend parent/teacher conferences for both of the girls this month. They are both such wonderful students and are thriving academically. I'm most proud of what wonderful friends and positive role models they are!
This leads up to now. Hailee is starting basketball this week, which will be a new challenge for her. No coaching this time for me instead I will enjoy the games from the sideline! We (more so the girls) are eagerly awaiting snow so we can go sledding and preparing for Christmas. Hopefully, in the new year I can keep up with my blogging a little better!